Art is expression, and the manner of a painter are the colors: through them the artist becomes not only able to express a state of mind, but to change things and the rules of the world, to go beyond of reality and to transform the world through the same emotions: this is the great strength of the painting, and its greatest ally is the power of its colors ....
I painted this train of Luna Park, wanting to choose mostly pure colors to highlight the pleasure itself, sensual of color, and to highlight the playfulness of the subject, transferring the scene in the countryside, where on the left side we can see the dazzling lights the carousels the Luna Park ...
La gioia del colore
Ho dipinto questo trenino del Luna Park, volendo scegliere sopratutto colori puri, per evidenziare il piacere stesso, sensuale del colore, e per evidenziare la giocosità del soggetto, trasferendo la scena in aperta campagna, dove sul lato sinistro si intravedono le luci sfolgoranti delle giostre del Luna Park...
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